Computer of Quantum: Powerful Method Of Suppressing Errors Developed

Researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have demonstrated a technique for efficiently suppressing errors in quantum computers. The advance could eventually make it much easier to build useful versions of these potentially powerful but highly fragile machines, which theoretically could solve important problems that are intractable using today’s computers.

The new error-suppression method was demonstrated using an array of about 1,000 ultracold beryllium ions (electrically charged atoms) trapped by electric and magnetic fields. Each ion can act as a quantum bit (qubit) for storing information in a quantum computer. These ions form neatly ordered crystals, similar to arrays of qubits being fabricated by other researchers using semiconducting and superconducting circuitry. Arrays like this potentially could be used as multi-bit quantum memories.
The new NIST technique counteracts a major threat to the reliability of quantum memories: the potential for small disturbances, such as stray electric or magnetic fields, to create random errors in the qubits. The NIST team applied customized sequences of microwave pulses to reverse the accumulation of such random errors in all qubits simultaneously.

“Simulations show that under appropriate conditions this method can reduce the error rate in quantum computing systems up to a hundred times more than comparable techniques. Our measurement results validate these predictions,” says Hermann Uys, a NIST guest researcher who is a lead author of the paper. Uys is visiting from the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Pretoria, South Africa.

Co-lead author Michael J. Biercuk, a NIST post-doc, notes that correcting qubit errors after they occur will require extraordinary resources, whereas early suppression of errors is far more efficient, and improves the performance of subsequent error correction. The new NIST error-suppression method could enable quantum computers of various designs to achieve error rates far below the so-called fault-tolerance threshold of about 1 error in 10,000 computational operations (0.01 percent), Biercuk says. If error rates can be reduced below this level, building a useful quantum computer becomes considerably more realistic.

Under certain conditions, trapped beryllium ions form a hexagonal single-plane crystal. This crystal consists of about 300 ions that are spaced about 10 micrometers apart and are fluorescing (scattering laser light). An array of ions such as this might be used as a memory device in a quantum computer. (Credit: NIST)

Under certain conditions, trapped beryllium ions form a hexagonal single-plane crystal. This crystal consists of about 300 ions that are spaced about 10 micrometers apart and are fluorescing (scattering laser light). An array of ions such as this might be used as a memory device in a quantum computer. (Credit: NIST)

Quantum computers, by relying on the unusual properties of the atomic-scale world to store and process data, could someday break commonly used encryption codes, perform faster searches of enormous databases, and determine the most efficient schedules for everything from airlines to traveling salespeople. They could also simulate complex quantum systems that are too difficult to study using today’s computers or through direct experiments. But first, practical quantum computers need to be built, and their components need to be reliable.

Unlike today’s computers, which use transistors that are switched on or off to represent bit values of 1 or 0, quantum computers would manipulate the properties of qubits to represent 1 or 0 or-thanks to the peculiarities of the quantum world-both at the same time. But these “quantum states” are so delicate that qubit values would be highly susceptible to errors caused by the slightest electronic noise.

Under ideal conditions, and in the absence of deliberate manipulations, ion qubit states evolve in a predictable way, similar to a spinning top tipped from its vertical axis. Environmental interference can lead to a buildup of error, but the new NIST pulse method can reverse this accumulation, thus preserving the original state.

The NIST method is an adaptation of “spin echo” techniques used for decades to suppress errors in nuclear magnetic resonance (the basis of magnetic resonance imaging). In spin echo, evenly spaced control pulses will nearly reverse the buildup of error, as long as fluctuations are slow relative to the time between pulses.

Recently, scientists at another institution published a theory of how to modify pulse timing in order to improve noise suppression. The NIST team conducted the first experimental demonstration of this theory, and then extended these ideas by generating novel pulse sequences tailored to the ambient noise environment. These novel sequences can be found quickly through an experimental feedback technique, and were shown to significantly outperform other sequences without the need for any knowledge of the noise characteristics. The researchers tested these pulse sequences under realistic noise conditions simulating those appropriate for different qubit technologies, making their results broadly applicable.

The research was conducted in the laboratory of NIST physicist John J. Bollinger, the project lead, and funded in part by the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency.

Automotive Mechanics do

Automotive service technicians and mechanics fix cars or light trucks that have broken down. They must be able to figure out the source of the problem quickly and correctly. They must know automobiles well.

The type of work they do has changed over the years. It used to be simple mechanical repair. Today it is a high technology job. Cars and trucks today are run by electronic systems and computers. The computers tell the automotive service technicians and mechanics how well the car or truck is performing. To do their job, technicians must know a lot about how complex parts of the car and truck work together. They must be able to work with electronic equipment that tells them what is wrong. They must be able to read and understand manuals that are computer-based. At the same time they must be able to use tools they have used in the past.

About half of all automotive service technicians work a 40-hour week. Almost 30 percent work more than 40 hours a week. Many who put in long hours work for themselves. Some service shops are open in the evenings and on weekends.

Most service technicians work indoors in repair shops. Many times technicians must work with dirty and greasy parts. They often lift heavy parts and tools. Minor cuts, burns, and bruises are common. Technicians usually avoid serious accidents when the shop is kept clean and in order. It is also important that they follow safety practices.

How do you get ready to become an Automotive Mechanic?

Automotive technology is becoming more complex. Persons who want to enter this field should get formal training. You can get this training either in high school or in a vocational school. Some people still learn this trade from helping and learning from experienced workers.

Training programs usually use both classroom instruction and hands-on practice. In some technical and trade schools this training lasts 6 months to a year. In community colleges this training usually lasts 2 years. In addition to automotive training, it also includes other classes like math, English, and computers. When students finish this type of training they get an associate degree or certificate.

Automakers and some car dealers sponsor 2-year programs for students to enter after high school. This leads to an associate degree. Students in these programs usually spend 6 to 12 weeks going to class full time. Then they spend the same number of weeks working for a dealer. While there, they work with someone with lots of experience.

Employers look for people with strong communication and analytical skills for trainee jobs. Technicians also need good reading, math, and computer skills. They must study technical manuals and keep up with the latest in the field. Trainees also must have mechanical skills and know how cars work.

How much do Automotive Mechanics make?

The middle half of all automotive service technicians earned between $10.61 and $19.84 per hour. The lowest-paid 10 percent earned less than $8.14. The highest-paid 10 percent earned more than $25.21.

Many experienced technicians who work for car dealers and repair shops are paid a commission. The amount they earn depends on the labor cost paid by the customer. In this case, earnings per week depend upon the amount of work completed. Some automotive service technicians are members of labor unions.

How many jobs are there?

Automotive service technicians and mechanics held about 818,000 jobs in 2002. Most worked in car repair shops, for car dealers, or for places that sell car parts and supplies. Others worked in gas stations, home and auto supply stores, and for companies that rent cars. Still others worked for the government and other organizations. About 16 percent worked for themselves.

What about the future?

Job opportunities are expected to be very good for persons who complete a training program. Persons who are good at figuring out problems should have the best chances. Their training should include basic electronics skills. Persons without formal automotive training will likely have to compete for entry-level jobs.

Employment in this field should increase about as fast as the average through the year 2012. There will be many openings in this field as experienced technicians move to other jobs or retire. Most people who enter this field can expect steady work. This is because changes in economic conditions and in other industries have little effect on the amount of work.

Are there other jobs like this?

  • Automotive body and related repairers
  • Diesel service technicians and mechanics
  • Small engine mechanics

    Source: Occupational Outlook Handbook — U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics

Apa itu Desibel?

Desibel (dB) digunakan untuk mengukur level suara, tetapi secara luas juga digunakan di elektronik, sinyal dan telekomunikasi. dB adalah bagian logaritma yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan suatu perbandingan. Perbandingan mungkin power, tekanan suara, tegangan, atau intensitas atau beberapa sesuatu yang lain. Terakhir kita menghubungkan dB dengan phon dan sone (bagian lain yang berhubungan dengan kebisingan). Tetapi yang pertama, untuk mendapatkan hasil bagian logaritma, lihat beberapa nomor.

Misalnya, seumpama kita mempunyai dua loudspeaker, yang pertama mainkan suara dengan power P1, permainan yang lain suatu suara yang lebih keras dengan power P2, tetapi sesuatu yang lain (bagaimana jarak, frekwensi) dijaga sama.

Perbedaan dalam desibel antara keduanya didefinisikan menjadi

10 log (P2/P1) dB dimana log berbasis 10

Jika yang kedua menghasilkan dua kali selama power besar daripada yang pertama, perbedaan dalam dB adalah:

10 log (P2/P1) = 10 log 2 = 3 dB

Jika yang kedua mempunyai 10 kali power yang pertama, perbedaan dalam dB akan menjadi

10 log (P2/P1) = 10 log 10 = 10 dB

Jika yang kedua mempunyai satu juta kali power yang pertama, perbedaan dalam dB akan menjadi

10 log (P2/P1) = 10 log 1000000 = 60 dB

Contoh ini menunjukkan satu keistimewaan sekala desibel yang berguna dalam pembahasan suara: mereka dapat menjelaskan rasio yang sangat besar menggunakan angka dalam berbagai bentuk ukuran. Tetapi dengan catatan bahwa desibel menjelaskan rasio : jadi seberapa jauh kita tidak mengatakan apakah power dari speaker yang lain memancarkan. (Catatan juga faktor 10 dalam definisi yang mana meletakkan ‘desi’ dalam desibel).

Kreatif: Pesawat Kertas Melesat dari Luar Angkasa

Ada yang baru neh:

Pesawat Kertas Melesat dari Luar Angkasa
University of Tokyo
Pesawat kertas sepanjang 20 centimeter yang akan diterbangkan dari stasiun antariksa internasional sedang diuji coba di lorong angin di Universitas Tokyo, Jepang.

Yakinkah Anda bahwa pesawat kertas bisa melesat hingga luar angkasa layaknya sebuah pesawat ulang alik? Kedengarannya mustahil, namun para peneliti Jepang memastikannya sebagai hal yang mungkin.
Bahkan, bukan tidak mungkin kertas akan menjadi bahan baku pesawat antariksa di masa datang. Para ilmuwan dari Universitas Tokyo, Jepang akan menguji peluncuran pesawat kertas pertamanya dari stasiun antariksa internasional (ISS) dan mengamatinya apakah dapat mendarat dengan selamat ke permukaan Bumi.
Pesawat kertas yang akan diterbangkan dari luar angkasa didesain bersama tim dari Asosiasi Seni Pesawat Origami Jepang. Produk seni origami (melipat kertas) sepanjang 20 centimeter itu telah lolos uji coba di lorong angin. Pesawat kecil dari kertas khusus yang dilapisi zat anti-air dan anti-panas itu tahan selama 10 detik di suhu 200 derajat Celcius dan tekanan angin 7 mach atau tujuh kali lipat dari kecepatan suara.
Pesawat kertas sangat ringan sehingga bergerak perlahan saat udara renggang dan secara bertahap turun. Secara teori, pesawat dari kertas lebih ringan daripada pesawat ulang alik sehingga tidak menghadapi masalah panas karena gesekan udara yang harus dihadapi saat menembus atmosfer. Kertas juga bebas dari deteksi radar.

Pesawat kertas pertama akan diluncurkan astronot Jepang yang berangkat ke orbit pada penerbangan tahun ini. Mungkin membutuhkan waktu beberapa bulan untuk mendarat ke Bumi dan tidak dapat diprediksi di mana pesawat kertas itu akan mendarat. Ia akan menjadi versi antariksa untuk pesan dalam botol. Akan sangat hebat jika seseorang mendapatkannya. Jadi, dalam pesawat kertas tersebut akan diberi tulisan ‘jika menemukan, silakan kontak kami’ dalam berbagai bahasa.